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- Polyclinic Cardiology Video Visit
Click “Click here to install VSee” and follow the steps to install the application, test your webcam, sound, and microphone. Return to The Polyclinic VSee page and click “Proceed to consultation.” Technical Support If you are experiencing technical issues with VSee, please call 844-852-9225. On Friday, September 23, Polyclinic employees volunteered at the Jewish Family Service (JFS) of Seattle for the annual United Way Day of Caring. The Day of Caring is the kickoff event to the.
COVID-19: What you need to know
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Video visits
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Seattle Met 2020 Top Doctors
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Polyclinic COVID-19 safety precautions
Lloyd David: 'Hi, I'm Lloyd David, CEO of The Polyclinic. I've been working with our excellent group of providers and staff here for the past 25 years. This is not the first time we've had to take exceptional measures to protect the safety of our patients and our staff. There was ebola in 2014, and the H1N1 pandemic in 2009. We know how to respond in a crisis and how to protect our patients and staff. Now, the covid-19 pandemic has been an extraordinarily challenging time for our entire community, but I want you, our patients, to know that we have taken every measure to ensure your safety while being here at the clinic. We are screening patients both on the telephone when they make their appointments, and when they come in the building. We're also screening all staff and providers every day. We're taking people's temperatures. We're requiring every staff member and every patient and visitor to wear a mask the entire time they are in our building. We're limiting the number of visitors at our sites. We're cleaning and disinfecting high-touch surfaces at least hourly, and we are adapting our sites to limit the number of people here at any one time to be sure that we provide social distancing. We also an ample supply of protective equipment to be sure that we can do covid-19 testing, office procedures, and outpatient surgeries. Now, in addition to all the things we're doing to make it safe in our clinic, there are other things that we're doing to maximize safety and our service to you. Nearly all of our providers now offer video visits for patients when appropriate. We'll continue to prioritize video visits whenever possible. You can schedule them from the safety and comfort of your home, and eliminate any risk of exposure, and this helps us limit the number of people in the clinic to maintain social distancing. We will continue to offer video visits even after this crisis is over. To increase our access to testing, we have opened drive-through testing sites for patients and local healthcare workers. We also have a dedicated acute respiratory clinic for patients and local healthcare workers that have moderate to severe symptoms, and we've located this clinic away from our other major care sites. We also offer one of the most accurate and reliable covid-19 antibody blood tests on the market to our patients so that you can find out whether, in fact, you have been exposed to covid-19. Now more than ever, this is a time for all of us to focus on staying healthy, and that includes not delaying important care. So please remember, we are here for you. If you have any questions, you can contact your provider's office or vist our website at polyclinic.com. Be well, stay safe, and we look forward to providing continued care for you. Thank you.'
Meet family medicine physician Dr. Mena Salib
Vsee Polyclinic Singapore
Dr. Mena Salib: My name is Mena Salib and I’m a Family Medicine physician at the Polyclinic Ballard location. My father was a, still is a, physician in Southern California. And he did ICU, he did Pulmonary and critical care. But I really saw that the front lines of medicine, that was really Primary Care side of it. And that’s what really drove me into it, being on the front lines and kind of doing that preventive medicine, really helping people stay healthy so that they kind of don’t get these chronic illnesses, these chronic diseases.
So I really think something that you should look for as a patient is to find a primary care physician who, number 1, will listen to you, and who, number 2, will incorporate you into their decision making. It should not be a dictatorship. It should be a partnership. And I find those to be actually two of my strengths. I pride myself on being a very good listener, definitely hearing what my patient is saying to me and not just listening, but really hearing them. And number 2, I try and incorporate uh, shared decision making every single patient encounter every single day, as that really makes the patient feel, and as they should, that they have control and ownership of their body and of their health. Um, knowing that they have a physician that is partnering with them.
My practice philosophy is all about whole person care. Um, not just one aspect, not just one part of it. Of course, if there is, you know, a specific complaint that’s one thing, but my philosophy is about really taking care of the whole person and really incorporating that shared decision making with my patient. It’s rewarding being able to help that individual and to see their life improve in front of you, um either if it’s an acute situation right there in your office or chronic illnesses and you see them improve over time. It’s rewarding seeing their life change in front of you.
Meet family medicine physician Dr. Mena Salib
2 min
Vsee Polyclinic Contact
Every scar has a story
Dr. Kelly Griffith-Bauer: Every single scar has a story and I think that’s why it’s such an important role that we play specifically in any surgical specialty because we know that every time that we’re gonna do a procedure we’re exchanging what we’re removing for a scar and that scar is not only going to be on that patient’s skin forever but it’s also going to be part of their story.
I’m Kelly Griffith Bauer, but my patients and I think my whole team they all know me as Dr. Bauer. I’m one of the Mohs surgeons here at the Polyclinic, but also a Surgical Dermatologist, which is a dermatologist who focuses primarily on skin cancer surgeries, cosmetic mole removals or cosmetic surgical procedures and I also do have a small cadre of high-risk skin cancer patients that I follow along with.
Vsee Application Polyclinic
Every time we make an incision in the skin, there’s always an exchange. We always have to exchange a mole for a scar. I have to choose what’s going to be the best repair method or stitch up method for that part of the body to give it the best cosmetic outcome. So that’s so part of it is choosing a stitch up method that creates a minimal amount of tension and tension is the key to good scar healing and good wound healing so if you take the tension off the wound meaning if you get the skin the very deep layers of the skin put together as tightly as possible with the stitches that are under the skin that dissolve then that takes tension off the top part of the wound and then the top part of the wound can just be loosely approximated for loosely put together in a way that it’s not pulling apart so that it just rests together and has that opportunity to really heal. The other thing is stitch placement so as every time I’m putting stitches deep under the skin I’m making sure that I’m what’s called wound edge aversion which is a special method for putting the stitch under the skin and those stitches usually only stay in for a week to minimize the amount of track marks and then the rest of it is a tincture of time and mother nature. I’m just really asking the patients to be patient and to let their bodies do the work.
Polyclinic Cardiology Video Visit
I love to be able to pull up a chair and to sit down and to make sure that my patients understand what their diagnosis is if they are coming in with one. If they know the risks to themselves or why we even feel like we need to take it out in the first place. Whether that’s a skin cancer or whether it’s cosmetic I really want to partner up with them and to help them make an informed decision and that they’re made to feel comfortable through the entire experience.