This dynamic process is called fuzzy time series. To describe fuzzy time series, fuzzy relational equations are employed as the models. There are two classes of fuzzy time series: time-variant and time-invariant. The definition of fuzzy time series is given, some properties of fuzzy time series are explored, and procedures to develop fuzzy time. Example: ⇒ fuzzytime(60)=0 → detect a problem if time difference is over 60 seconds This function is not recommended for use in complex trigger expressions (with multiple items involved), because it may cause unexpected results (time difference will be measured with the most recent metric), e.g. In Host:system.localtime.fuzzytime(60)=0.
With FuzzyTime you get a simple, human readable clock in your menubar, that can be used instead of your computer's built in clock. Instead of 16:40, you would see 'twenty to five'.
Why would you want this? Apart from being a new fun way to display time (especially with language options like 'Bork Bork' or 'Jive') it can also be a great way to reduce stress. FuzzyTime only updates every five minutes, which makes you less likely to worry about minutes ticking away and not getting your work done, but still gives you a sense of time so you don't have to fear missing any meetings or similar.
Fuzzy Clock: Shows you the approximate time by using words showing Fuzzy Time like 'Quarter Past Five'. It's a cool online clock with an Alarm! A simple timeago to update timestamp (e.g 4 days 12 hours 4 minutes ago) with no dependencies. Usage: to install. Npm install fuzzy-time. Pip install fuzzytime. Copy PIP instructions. Released: Oct 25, 2017. Turns input datetime into fuzzy timestamp format. Project description. Project details. Release history.
FuzzyTime is the spiritual successor to the classic application FuzzyClock, and supports all the 74 languages that FuzzyClock did. You can also spice up your clock by using a custom font.
Fuzzy Time Mine Stars
Another neat thing you can do is setting up special times where you would like to show a certain message or play a sound. Very useful for remembering lunch!
Don't forget to check out our website for more hints when using FuzzyTime!
EDIT: looking for anyone wishing to help me with translations (no programming knowledge required)
(v0.6+) now with timer mode:
Example use: Say you have fuzzytime piped to your status bar and it serves as a usual clock applet. Then you got an e-mail saying that you're going to have a meeting at one o'clock. You set the timer to 13:00 and instead of the current time, fuzzytime begins to show you how much time you have left till the meeting. After you come back, you unset the timer and have fuzzytime display the current time again.
Fuzzy Time Mine Music
The now-not-so-recent upgrade to Python 3 broke fuzzyclock which I liked a lot. Since my Python is next to non-existent, I decided to use the opportunity to dust off the little Haskell I knew, so here goes:
You can get the source from here. It requires runhaskell (e.g. ghc) and haskell-cmdargs. An AUR package is here. [edit: added aur link]
WARNING: it's not properly tested so if you're late for anything, don't blame me. You can tell me, though, and make me feel guilty if you like.
If you find any bugs, please let me know.
Currently, only two languages are supported: English and Polish. If you're willing to add another one or would just like to have another one but don't know how to or don't feel like doing it, please contact me.
Happy timing
v0.7.6 (2011.12.30)
-- added Japanese (by Jens Petersen)
v0.7.5 (2011.11.28)
-- added alarm sound config
v0.7.4 (2011.04.26)
-- added Italian (thanks erm67)
v0.7.3 (2011.04.22)
-- added Swedish (thanks Closey)
v0.7.2 (2011.04.17)
-- added --caps (0: all lowercase; 1: default; 2: Title Case; 3: ALL CAPS)
v0.7 (2011.01.24)
-- added Norwegian (thanks arnvidr)
-- added timer for Dutch (thanks Boris27) and German (thanks marens and ichbinsisyphos)
-- added Danish style 2
-- added German style 3 (thanks marens and ichbinsisyphos)
-- added Spanish style 3 (thanks xenofungus)
-- added timer alarm sound
-- fixed exit codes
v0.6 (2011.01.21)
-- added the timer mode (en, fr, pl and tr)
-- added Spanish (thanks itsbrad212)
-- fixed the almost-next-hour bug
v0.5 (2011.01.17)
-- added halves as base (de, nl and pl)
-- added Greek (thanks Gbak), Dutch (thanks litemotiv) and Turkish
-- some corrections (thanks D. Fischer from beginners@haskell.org again)
v0.4.1 (2011.01.15)
-- fixed nextFTHour
v0.4 (2011.01.15):
-- added --time (thanks D. Fischer and B. Yorgey from beginners@haskell.org)
-- added --style
-- added Danish (by M_ller with my modifications)
-- removed 'południe' from pl
-- sorted out the representation of midnight and noon
-- added a man page
v0.3 (2011.01.14):
-- added midnight and noon
-- added checking cli options
-- fixed the 'quarter part quarter' bug
v0.2 (2011.01.12):
-- added French and German
-- added 12 vs. 24-hour clock
Last edited by caminoix (2011-12-30 22:05:00)